Thursday 24 February 2011

Pink Rose Sadler Teapot,

I really love this light blue-pink rose Sadler teapot.
I have had it for years and years. I think it was actually one of my first teapots.

It was amazing then to stumble upon a small coffee pot that matched it, years later. 

Also loving this mixed set of turquoise and pink roses.

Top view of teacup and teapot. 

Also enjoyed another cup of Earl Grey tea with Chris, who is sporting the Sadler teapot with her denim dress. 

Loving her Denim dress look.
(Shirt, dress and belt by Anthropologie)
And funny orange floral glass cabinet behind is mine.
A few different angles of Chris and teapot below.

Better go and enjoy the outdoors while it has stopped raining, 
I thought spring was on it's way.


  1. Wonderfull !!!
    I love it .

    Greetings Romkje.

  2. The turquoise and pink are a fab colour combo! x

  3. Your blog is really beautiful!!!
    Thats why we give you an Award!
    Ok, so to recive this Award there are 3 `rules`;
    1. Thank the one who gave it to you and link to their blog.
    2. Tell 8 things abt yourself.
    3. Give the Award to 8 other blogs.
    Good luck! And i`m happy you will take it!!:D

  4. Thank you for your blog comment! I think you would enjoy a day at the Vintage Bazaar! Also, the town of Frome has lots to offer to complete your day out! Lizzie x

  5. How great to find the matching coffee pot years later! Very pretty, both of them, but for me its that turquiose and rose trio!!! I adore turquoise at the moment, that is so beautiful!
    Loving your friends denim dress too, and what a tiny waist!Anthropologie stuff is great.
    Cute floral glass cabinet too - am a lover of those, although only have one plain glass cabinet to date for my very modest china collection! Can't justify another yet!
    Thanks for visiting my blog - the rose sprig fabric is so pretty isnt it - there are two sheets and a pillowcase.
    Have a great day, love your beautiful blog!Gives me my vintage china fix!

    Gill x

  6. Ohhh I am totaly in love with your turquoise with pink roses cups! Just wonderful...

    Great blog you have!

    Regards, Veronique

  7. Thank you so much everyone for lovely comments!

  8. Ooohhhh - I love the colour combination.

    Turquoise and pink - delicious. xXx


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